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Some of my successful accomplishments in this life

Icelandic Academy of Art, Art teaching diploma 2008 - 2009

Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland 2001-2003 Master of Design

École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg, France 1997-1998

A guest student in The Icelandic Academy of Art, Fine Art, 1 semester 1996

The Icelandic Academy of Art 1986-1990 BA Graphic Design

Baccalaureat Reykjavík, Iceland 1985

Private exhibitions

Navel of my Universe/Nafli alheims míns, Studio Stafn, Ingolfsstræti, Reykjavík, Sept 2015

Touched/Snart hjarta, The Icelandic Printmakers Gallery, Hafnarhúsinu, Reykjavík, May 2015

Asshole/Rassgat, in TÝS gallery, Týsgata, Reykjavík, April 2015

Togetherness/Sambandið, SIM, Hafnarstræti 16, Reykjavík, July 2012

Handle with care/Meðhöndlist af gætni, Coast Café at Hellnum, June 2012

Unbearable lightness of beeing a potato/Óbærilegur léttleiki kartöfluútsæðis, Skálholt, Iceland, summer 2011

Traces/Slóð, The Icelandic Printmakers Gallery, Hafnarhúsinu, Reykjavík, January 2011

Iceland bags more for your Money/Hringrás vatnsins með manninum, Á næstu grösum restaurant, Reykjavík, December 2004

Safeway, Warehouse, Bræðraborgarstíg 16, Reykjavík, December 2002


Group exhibition

Surrender/Eftirgrjöf, the group exhibition: Umhverfing, my work was situated at Rif, Snaefellsnes, summer 2019

Love Story/Ástarsaga at Kárastíg 1, the group exhibition: Undir berum himni, Thingholtin, Reykjavík, summer 2013

Handle with care, the group exhibition: Flown in, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, USA January - March 2010

4 Silica Mirrors, LE VERRE AUJOURD'HUI Génération sans frontière, Strasbourg, France, November 2007

Bud/Brum Installation with an audio work, exhibition on Contemporary glass, Gerðarsafn, Kópavogur April 2005

Iceland bags more for your Money/Hringrás vatnsins með manninum, Masters Students, Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland, December 2003


First/First, video, collaboration with Hallvardur Ásgeirson musician and Snædís Ingadóttir dancer, 2014-15

An Evening Indigo, collaboration with Eva Ingolf and Gunnbjörg Óladóttir, January 2015

Meine heimat, made for Zebra Poetry Film Festival, October 2012

Walking/Ganga, to a poem by Einar Már Guðmundsson Sagnaþulurinn Hómer, exhibited in cites in Germany in connection to the Book Messe in Frankfurt 2011


100 Kápur á Frakkastíg/ Icelandic suffragettes prevailed 100 years ago, an exhibition in my courtyard with 7 artist, Reykjavík Art Festival, May 2015 (Hallgrímur Helgason, Helga Þórsdóttir, Hildur Hákonardóttir, Hlynur Hallsson, Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir, Ólafur og Lybia)

Wishing Path/ Óskastígur, an exhibition in my courtyard with 18 artist December 2013 (Áslaug Thorlacius, Baldur Geir Bragason, Björk Guðnadóttir, Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir, Erla Þórarinsdóttir, Eygló Harðardóttir, Finnur Arnar Arnarson, Gunnar Már Pétursson, Hulda Hákon, Ingimar Ólafsson Waage, Jón Óskar, Linda Vilhjálmsdóttir, Magnea Ásmundsdóttir,  Olga Bergmann, Ósk Vilhjálmsdóttir, Rakel Steinarsdottir, Tora Victoria, Þóroddur Bjarnason)


Togetherness/Sambandið was published in the 1st issue of STÍNA, a Cosmopolitian Magazine on Icelandic Litterature and Fine Art, published in Reykjavík, Iceland, April 2015


Art teaching in Klettaskóli, a school for children with disability

General teaching in Austurbæjarskóli, Reykjavík


Mother of three children

Grandmother of four children

Sister of four 

A Daughter


Sailing over the Atlantic in December 2019

Hiking, Herðubreið, July 2019

Hiking, Herðubreið, July 2012

A 42 km marathon in Reykjavík August 2010

Hiking, Öræfajökull, Vatnjajökull Glacier, April 1988

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